viernes, 19 de junio de 2015

STINKY POOOOOO!!! Lets Talk About Hygiene!!

Hello Dear Children,
I want to tell you that this post comes from my general concern for your health & well being! I want all of you to learn & grow & have great health & relationships. I think that you may understand what I want to share so lets get to it...

Hygiene!  What does this word mean??

Hygiene (which comes from the name of the Greek goddess of health, Hygieia), is a set of practices performed for the preservation of health.   In our culture it can often mean mere 'cleanliness', hygiene in its fullest meaning goes much beyond that to include all circumstances and lifestyle practices that promote a safe and healthy environment.

Please watch the following video that talks about teenagers (but, remember almost all of this applies to you too!!)


Lets talk about what we know & have learned!!
Thank you,
Miss Noelle

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015


What is this?  Where did it come from? How was & is it used?

Lets find out...

Now after observing this pictures... do you have any idea???
Is it a mathematical device?

A Brief History

Fascinating Facts

Lets try Virtual Abaci

I hope you find this interesting because we will make our own in class:)  We will use different materials but please take a look at the tutorial so we can go straight to work in our class!!
Have fun learning!!
Miss Noelle

How to make an Abacus